Understanding the Runner's High

Changing the stigma through research, experience, and innovation in the category.

Understanding the Runner's High

Many Americans of a particular generation vividly remember the anti-cannabis ads run on broadcast television during their adolescence. Educators hung posters on school bulletin boards, and cartoon characters taught everyone how to "just say no." The public was told with unquestionable certainty that "marijuana is a gateway drug."

It turns out that gateway might be the finish line of a marathon.

Legalization of cannabis research has not only discredited cannabis propaganda but also highlighted the Endocannabinoid System's involvement in human health and the "Runner's High." Discovered at the end of the 20th century, the Endocannabinoid System has proven pivotal in understanding mental and physical health, providing holistic and natural solutions to many modern ailments, including anxiety, inflammation, nausea, and pain.

A Brief History of the Runner's High

In the 1960s, running gained popularity, and researchers began to understand the Runner's High. Initially, the data was anecdotal, with runners sharing their experiences of euphoria, clarity, calm, and pain relief. The term "Runner's High" became the de facto label for the biological effect experienced during endurance sports . 

Born to Run

Evolutionary theory suggests that for hundreds of thousands of years, humans developed the ability to run long distances for survival. The Endocannabinoid System evolved to help humans cope with the impact, energy depletion, and mental stress of running, providing a "Runner's High" to continue their escape and survival.

Understanding the High

Early studies attributed the Runner's High to endorphins. However, endorphins alone couldn't produce the full experience. The discovery of the Endocannabinoid System in the 1990s brought new understanding. Researchers identified cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, with Anandamide (similar to THC) playing a crucial role in the Runner's High. In 2015, German scientists demonstrated that cannabinoid receptors are essential for the Runner's High.

Updated Legislation for Hemp-Derived Drinks

The 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp-derived products, including CBD, provided they contain less than 0.3% THC. This legislation has paved the way for the development and marketing of cannabis-infused sports drinks. These products are regulated to ensure safety and efficacy, with many companies subjecting their drinks to third-party testing for quality assurance.


A Sports Drink Made for Recreational Athletes 

OFFFIELD's High Performance Sports Drink was developed with the input of over 300 athletes across disciplines. The goal of the research and development process was to find a cannabinoid and functional ingredient ratio that best mimics the Runner's High. In our final round, we had a 98% approval rate. Enough to get us past the finish line. The High Performance Sports Drink is not only a cannabis infused beverage, but contain functional ingredients that work in concert to elevate performance and amplify the experience.

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